Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weekend With Limited Riding

Did not make much progress on the goal to hit 2007 miles in 2007 this last weekend but am over 1600 miles. Debbie was invited to participate in a Kid's 1st Health Fair. It was outdoors and was a bit cool when we set up the display at 7:30 AM. That also meant I was out of bed well before my normal time on Saturday. We had quite a few visitors to our booth and all our children's toys that we took in for the free lead test came up negative. So, I guess I can continue to chew on the wooden blocks, etc.

While she worked the booth, I took the Giant OCR to have new tires and tubes put on. Got the Maxxis Detonator touring tire and my design is on the bottom left. Hey, it matches the color of the bicycle really well and I am now a color coordinated rider. Red jersey, black shorts, red tire treads. What more is there.Went riding on Sunday and got to mile 14 when there was an awful sound - front tube blew out. One of the hazards of putting on new tires until they seat. Tube worked out under the bead and you know the drill. Wheel off the bike, tire off the rim, tube pulled out, check for glass or something else in the tire, tire back on, tube back in, pump like crazy with the little biddie pump to get enough pressure in the tire to keep going. I rode 4 miles back to the start and called it a day since I did not have another spare tube with me. Now have 3 spares.

This is a picture of a cactus plant in Georgia near the start of my ride on Sunday afternoon! This is a cactus! The picture below is a Texas Cactus out west of Austin, Texas and looks like it needed a little help from Georgia to get to be a big boy. Texas shot is from 2003 when I was visiting Liberty Mutual offices in central Texas. We were on our way to Fredericksburg for a tour of a local German restaurant and a bit of Shiner Bock. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

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