Get the Real Dirt on Clean and Rx for Healthy Living
Saturday, March 28th, 10 am-noon
Georgia Mountains Center Theater, Gainesville
Speaker: Cindy Latham, MBA
Sr. VP of Marketing and New Product Development, Shaklee Corporation
This program kicks off the series of community-wide Earth Day events as we strive to reduce the chemical impact on the earth, reduce landfill waste and reduce carbon gas emissions – lighten our footprint. Shaklee is the ONLY Climate Neutral Company in the U.S. and an EPA World Leader.
Cindy will be talking about Shaklee's commitment to being GREEN – a company that was born GREEN...a dark deep green – way back in 1956 when green was just a name for a color. Shaklee was an Earth Day sponsor in 1990 with Basic H (now Basic H2), the only biodegradable cleaning product ever chosen. With many environmental accomplishments, Shaklee "walks their talk." Come meet Cindy Latham and learn about healthy alternatives to toxins found in common household cleaners which are linked to health problems. Cindy will share other benefits to your family, your home, your community.
You can make a real difference with Get Clean – always safe for the environment and always green plus smart for your wallet. Shaklee has done it right for 53 years!!
Cindy will also speak about the "Shaklee Difference" and "Rx For Healthy Living" – how to live a longer and healthier life. A healthy life starts with you and the choices you make everyday, which leads to a better world. This will be a life-changing experience. So, gather up your friends, family (especially your passionate to care for the environment friends) to come with you. Come "Get the Real Dirt on Clean!" and learn how you can be a part of the solution.
Door Prizes.