Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Murrayville to Bolding Mill and Back

Twas a beautifuly Saturday afternoon for Bernie and me to ride about 20 miles. Wandered down to Lake Lanier aka Pond Lanier. Lake is down about 18 feet as I write and the mussels have not yet recovered although they are evidently thriving downstream in Florida. Thanks to another young man I know named Kyle (not my Kyle) we spotted fish holding up signs saying they would work for water.

As we continued our journey, we came upon this nice fixer upper which I may purchase after the presidential election if all my income is going to be redistributed.

Pedaled past the entrance to Big Oak Estates where we used to live. Trees are still there and as beautiful as ever.

Eventually after a couple of steep hills, we made it back to Murrayville and went home. I loaded up the Trail-a-bike and prepared for the Sunday trip to Tennessee for Kayla's 6th Birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Them's some mighty purty photos. Happy New Year!